miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Actividad Halloween

Actividad: Hacemos máscaras para Halloween.
Repartir materiales: globo, papel de diario, agua, cascola y pinturas
  1. Crear la pasta mezclando el papel con el agua y la cascola
  2. Inflar el globo
  3. Cubrirlo con la pasta del punto 1
  4. Esperar que seque
  5. Decorar con pinturas
  6. Pinchar el globo
    Erika Bardanca, Valentina Maiolo, Synara Chávez

This Is Halloween

Cerremos la Puerta a la Comida Chatarra

Junk food

Junk food is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, and calories.
It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972.
Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and carbonated beverages.

Health effects

A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute (2008) suggested that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin.[6] After many weeks with unlimited access to junk food, the pleasure centers of rat brains became desensitized, requiring more food for pleasure. After the junk food was taken away and replaced with a healthy diet, the rats starved for two weeks instead of eating nutritious fare. A 2007 British Journal of Nutrition study found that female rats who eat junk food during pregnancy increased the likelihood of unhealthy eating habits in their offspring.
A report published in the Journal of the Federation of America suggests that babies of mothers with a high-sugar and high-fat diet while pregnant are more prone to junk food themselves. The study was conducted on rats and suggests that "infants whose mothers eat excessive amounts of high-fat, high-sugar junk foods when pregnant or breastfeeding are likely to have a greater preference for these foods later in life.
Actividad: (para escolares)
1)Realiza una lista que contenga dos partes: primeramente ejemplos de comida chatarra, luego ejemplos de comida saludable.
2) Postea una  receta de un desayuno saludable.
3) Averigua qué ingredientes posee: -una lata de Coca Cola
                                                         - una «Big mac»
                                                         - un paq. 3o gr. de «Lays».
Erika Bardanca, Valentina Maiolo, Synara Chávez. 4F

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Halloween Legend

The Origin of Halloween
"Samhain" or "All Allows Day"
The origin of Halloween goes back very far- all the way back to the ancient Celts. The Celts lived in the British Isles during ancient times. The last day of the year on the old pagan calendar, October 31st, served the triple purpose of bidding goodbye to summer, welcoming winter, and remembering the dead. This day was called "Samhain". On the evening of October 31st and the day of November 1st, the Celtic priests, known as Druids, honored Samhain- the god of death. On October 31st, Druids also predicted the future.

According to Celtic legend, Samhain controlled the spirits of the dead and could allow them to rest peace fully, or make them go wild on this night. The Celtic believed that on the night of October 31st ghosts come out of their tombs. The spirit of the dead returned! Druids made big fires to frighten away the spirits of evil and death. The Celtic people dressed in scary costumes to frighten the evil spirits. They dressed as witches, ghosts and skeletons. They also played games to bring good luck in the new year.

After the Roman invasion in 43 AD, Samhain also became a harvest festival. Rome had a festival honoring the goddess Pomona who ruled fruits and garden. The Romans pictured her as a beautiful maiden, her arms filled with fruit, and a crown of apples on her head. Nuts, fruits and apples were part of the Samhain ceremonies. Apples were considered to be sacred and lucky. The colors of Halloween are orange and black. They represent the harvest (orange) and death (black).

Also after the Roman invasion, Christian rites substituted pagan rites. For the Christians, the first day of November was the day of All Saints. It was called All Allows Day (the day of All Saints). The evening of October 31st was All Allows Eve. This was shortened to Halloween. The druid religion went on for a long time in Ireland and Scotland. Halloween continued to be important in both places.

In the XIX (19th) century, Irish immigrants brought their Halloween costumes to the United States. Now Halloween is one of the biggest festivities in the USA. The date of Halloween, October 31st, is on every calendar.
Actividad para el alumno de tercer año escolar
Teniendo en cuenta las características de la leyenda, distingue:
-los elementos fantásticos de la Leyenda sobre Halloween
- los elementos reales.